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Comments (2)

Tietje - 24 February 13:26

Reve baise-toi dans son doux lits, moi seul triste quand vous n’etes pas la!

Kortz - 11 December 22:17

Vous recevrez de tels services sexuels: Anal, Fetiche.

Jorge - 30 December 18:58


Stamand - 3 November 20:49

I am a: trans male, Kinsey 4-5ish, ISFJ, son, brother, cousin, writer, artist, whedonite, sherlockian, whovian, singer, scientist, friend, cuddle buddy, survivor, English-speaker, victim, hopeless romantic.

Bulah - 18 December 15:31

Well imagine that a person that considers herself as woman goes to doctor, and he ask if she does have breasts? Would it be so even doctor think that I'm flat as a plank? Aaand depression granted.
