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Comments (5)

Victorina - 19 December 11:09

Veux vous toi dans son doux lits, moi seul triste quand vous n’etes pas la!

Ezzo - 7 November 09:11

Pas très facile à trouver mais les massages sont très bien.

Fermin - 11 December 03:01

I find her very sexy
I would not mind if she was my girlfriend

Turnes - 11 July 18:50

Weren't we told there is no such thing as race.that's a social construct? The white vs. black test was done years ago with two dolls and even the black children said the white baby was prettier. What you're missing is simply the underlying cause.HATE. Like people who hate Trump will find everything and anything wrong with him, regardless if it's true. For years, Jews have been seen as with sexually inferior, or sexually voracious for gentile women (I know you've never heard that one And you can't change preferences on your own. You know that.
