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Comments (10)

Hanold - 10 March 09:04

Aime, aime son petit trou. Appelez-moi, caresse ma chatte together, et moi seul.

Gennie - 17 June 09:00

Dans la nuit du vendredi 22 décembre , on a fait le tour de certains Bars, Motels et Hôtels de la ville. Car selon elle, elle doit bien apparaitre devant ses amis.

Aretha - 14 April 08:44


Carol - 22 January 19:57

Seattle is also always a good 'Complexly media city. Lot's of nerdfighters there because it's such a 'nerd based city in it's culture. You could probably do a talk there in a venue not related to a college and still get pretty good sales.

Coppin - 23 April 11:56

What the hell is wrong with this disgusting bitch. You should not be talking to 12 year olds about this you whore of babylon

Ryann - 20 November 07:15

wanna suck my boob or pussy
