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Comments (4)

Nenita - 29 November 04:36

Tendre nympho attente sexy-faim homme.

Patience - 15 December 13:51

Nous analyserons le fonctionnement rhétorique et dramatique des débordements verbaux de Timon en les contrastant notamment avec la langue du cynique Apemantus.

Maybell - 1 July 19:38

I like your butt

Deshaw - 22 April 07:11

awesome slut

Tabatha - 4 April 14:24

Halleluja anyway

Gary - 1 March 04:28

I am absolutely pro-choice, but holy shit are you ever not only going to piss people off with your *opinion*, you may inappropriately influence younger female viewers who look up to you and may not be old enough or intelligent enough to form their own opinion yet. Your excuses for not informing the man about a pregnancy have *some validity, but interestingly also make a huge, *and disgusting, default assumption that the man knowing about the pregnancy can put the woman in danger, etc.
