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Comments (6)

Munstermann - 15 May 21:14

Bloque mes photos, hesites, craignons. Ici ne pas oublier penser, conseiller simplement rencontrer et de passer du temps ensemble, et la belette toi fournirai!

Rishor - 24 February 20:26

Ce sont les documents les plus importants pour débuter une généalogie. Leur établissement a été rendu obligatoire par le décret impérial du 20 juillet et les premières tables constituées concernent la décennie

Seidler - 4 January 16:13

Aw man, i miss Nick (and Abby)

Wilbur - 18 August 03:50

When I met my boyfriend I was attracted to his confidence, his smile, he has wide eyes that made him look fresh and interested, his casual cool dressing style. Getting to talk to him I became attracted to his scent, his voice, how he spoke intelligently, his humour, his interests were similar to mine (and nerdy), that he worked with music, how he was easy to talk to, attentive and good at listening. We spoke for about 3 hours the night we met over a year ago!

Marceline - 27 July 08:57

An interesting theory, I suppose. Except, GSDM people have been being discriminated against long before we actually had the rhetoric to describe our situations and identities. We've been oppressed, abused, and murdered before we HAD the labels that allow us to form communities and talk about our experiences. Sooooo stop trying to blame US for the oppression we face because we found the words to talk about what we've been though, yeah?

Scahill - 30 March 05:56

i like to fuck them
