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Comments (7)

Casiano - 19 April 03:53

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Admin - 29 April 21:19

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Metchikoff - 9 December 03:25

Oh! Ihre foto ist schon und suss.

Ileana - 27 February 14:03

UGH! We give all kinds of tax breaks and money to corporations, but GOD FORBID we remove the sales tax from tampons.

Higbee - 10 June 22:17

You can't say that being gay is okay because that's what you're attracted and then say your homophobic if you're not attracted to the same sex. This is doing the same thing, sexual attraction in large part is for genetic diversity, if your genetic disposition is towards one particular group only then that's just how it is.

Schmale - 8 April 14:01

It's the three PUA stages

Gerri - 8 August 17:31

Wie ich Muttis Glocken nuetzen wuerde....
